Happy New Year Australia
The start of 2020 has been a wake up call for so many. Despite decades of warning, the catastrophes are here.
Unsurprisingly, our political leaders are too busy protecting their donors interests to be of any use. Our real leaders are out there on the ground; fighting fires, saving homes, organising relief, rescuing animals, raising money.
Australians are fantastic organisers in an emergency. I hope this is the year that those organisational skills turn towards our politics and our planet.
We have to elect good people.
We have to boycott Murdoch media.
We have to reframe our economics.
We have to start really listening to indigenous peoples.
We have to plant a shit ton of trees.
We were safe from the fires this time. But I know it was just luck. It could have been us picking through the charred remains of our lives.
This year we will be planting 500 more trees. We’ll be working with our community to understand and implement traditional land management practice. If you want to help and learn, please let me know.
My new year wish for our world is that everyone gets involved this year.
You have a skill to share, so find your way to share it.
Your vote is powerful, so use it wisely.
Don’t get mad, get organised.